The author of the book for which this illustration is designed casted a great idea into the rivers of my mind. I occasionally rely on others for germs of creativity, so I took the bait. Besides selling prints of the drawing, Kirk suggested a way to turn my artwork into a new income stream. Thanks to Kirk, my creation is now traveling in car windows across the best state in the country.
How great is Michigan? It's surrounded by Great Lakes, and is so full of unmatched wild wonderfulness, it had to be divided in to TWO peninsuli! That’s the plural form of “peninsula,” as far as you know. Due to its flawless fantasticness, it was not difficult to reel in multiple points of inspiration from its beauty, and then incorporate them into the drawing.
While the intent of my blog posts is not for the site to become a market place, in this instance I would like to make an exception, and lure you into visiting
Here you will find access to these fishy stickies, tagged at a mere $7 a piece. At that price you’ll want to fill a stringer of these window ornamentations.
So, don’t miss the boat. Instead, be the first in your neighborhood to have the BRAND stinkin’ new sticky. They’re sure to be keepers!