For those of you who have been sitting patiently in front of your laptop in anticipation of my next blog entry, I apologize for the delay. You have just enough time to take a quick shower, brush your teeth, let your dog out and water a few plants before my next entry is posted.
I’d like to tell you I’ve been spending the past month trying to make the Detroit Tiger roster as a centerfielder. Obviously that’s not true, and you’d quickly recognize it. The MLB regular season is 6 months in length. Half of the games are on the road, so who would mow my lawn? Crabgrass doesn’t look good without regular attention.
I also suspect I won’t get away with blaming my writing negligence on a focus on Spring cleaning. While I make an effort to keep clean and tidy the areas of my home people actually see, the occasional dust bunny -- or more accurately, dust hippo -- can be found in hiding.
Perhaps you’ll believe this explanation. I’m exercising a strategy I witnessed used in music and cinema. The Eagles took 14 years off and reunited to treat the world to new hits such as “Get Over It” and “Love Will Keep Us Alive.” Singing them in your head already, aren’t you?
George Lucas, on the other hand, used the force to force his fans to wait 16 years between the release of “The Return of The Jedi,” and “Phantom Menace.” The last I checked, Star Wars films are still showing a profit.
I can’t WAIT to see the impact day6art will receive from the implementation of this proven game plan.
Actually, my lame excuse for keeping my massive audience in wait, is a simply matter of “blog clog.” I’m sure you can understand how difficult it must be for me to release, on a weekly basis, genius insights to what I see in the world that surrounds us.
The good news is, I just finished a new blog! I realize it was nothing more then a few paragraphs about next to nothing, but it DID put a few smiles on my face, and maybe yours. Hopefully that’s what blogs are supposed to accomplish. If not, blame it on the Eagles!