As a child, I remember wondering why my parents and grandparents never slept in. They had no one forcing them out of bed. They called the shots, yet even on vacation, with nothing on the agenda they were usually “up and at it” before the sun rose.
I have four brothers. I’m in the middle, where perfected child raising occurs. First born are like boot camp for parents. Lots of trial and error happens in this stage. Final children are raised when parents have lost interest and energy. I’m the third out of five. I mention this because it relates to the topic. By now, you certainly know I’m very disciplined as a writer and never veer off topic. “LOOK, A CARDINAL!”
I chose to raise just two children. This way I could ensure I’d not have a middle child. I’d also avoid the impossible challenge my parents had, of not displaying favoritism toward their middle child.... me.
I love my kids equally. Exactly the same. It never waivers. Boot camp with my daughter, and exhaustion with my son. Easy peasy. No one in the middle. I also missed out on the battle my mother faced each morning as she tried to herd FIVE boys out of bed, feed them and get them ready for school. I admire her greatly. Once my brothers and I became physically stronger than my mom her task became far more difficult. Mom moved to phase 2. At this point, when arriving at the breakfast table, we were able to select our seats on a first come, first served basis. A glass of juice was placed at each setting. Four of the glasses contained delicious grape juice. One glass was filled with prune juice. Mom won, lazy boys lost. Lazy boys also had potty issues later that day.
Now that I have more flexibility as a self employed painter/artist I find myself waking BEFORE my alarm goes off. I love this. It might confuse my dog, but a bowl of chow helps her adjust.
Time for breakfast.... GRAPE JUICE EVERY MORNING!