Globophobic Porcupine
Globophobic Porcupine
Original: $7,000 (32x26”)
Signed, Limited-Edition Giclee Print: Full size $800, $600 (26x20.5”)
Award for "Excellence in Artistic Achievement," 16th Annual CPSA International Exhibition, Seattle, WA, 2008; Best of Show, 2007 West Michigan Regional Competition; Lowell Arts Council; Merit Award, 2009 Greater Michigan Art Competition; Midland, MI.; Alden B. Dow Museum Solo Exhibition Award, 2009 Greater Michigan Art Competition, Midland, MI; Second Place, 44th Annual Juried Fine Arts Competition; Holland Area Arts Council, 2007; Robert and Veronica Youngman Graphic Arts Award, 78th Regional Art Show; Muskegon Museum of Art, Summer, 2006; Featured in the Three Artist Showcase, Ward Gallery, July, 2006